11 Ways Of Curbing Masturbation Addiction

Masturbation is common in every culture and has been there in different periods in history. However, when it becomes an obsession, masturbation addiction inhibits other aspects of your life. The practice can put you on a crash course with your religion and philosophy that forbids the practice. It is possible to master self-discipline, curb your impulse and control your urges.

The urge of masturbation is a natural one that starts during the adolescent period. It signifies natural interest in sex before starting adult sexual relationships. The practice must grow to be an obsession making you hate yourself. Start cutting down on self-serving.

We are all born with the electric sexual drives, and everyone must be aware of how they work and affect us for us to control the feelings. The feelings can take away the self-control and make you do things that are not beneficial like masturbation or watching porn which engages the primal instincts on a regular basis. With time you start suffering from addiction. The habitual behavior trucks the body into thinking it is a normal mating behavior and that is why the urge comes out quickly and automatically.

Stop punishing yourself

Remember you are human and humans make mistakes. Humans have sexual urges which need satisfaction. However, desist from giving into despair and stop feeling sorry for yourself. Spend the time relinquishing your addiction.

Remove things that plunge you into temptations to masturbate

Things like access to pornographic materials that motivate you to masturbate. If you have a masturbation routine for instance at certain times, try and break the routine by keeping yourself busy to control your thought process. Try exercising to release excess energy and to concentrate on the activities. This will leave you exhausted and with no appetite for masturbation. If your masturbation is because of loneliness, find other things to do to limit your solitude. You can watch sports activities with your friends instead of doing it alone. This ensures you are not lonely which can make your thoughts to linger and masturbate.

Find other outlets

Find different outlets for your energy and time. Engage in fulfilling activities that elicit excitement. The activities will replace your urge to masturbate by acting as a distraction. Be creative in turning your sexual urges into sublimation (creative output) like monks and sages have been doing for centuries. Learn to play music instruments, start writing, painting, drawing and other things you love.

Engage in sporting activities like fishing, running, swimming or groups sport activities such as tennis, basketball, soccer, and baseball among others. Sports instill persistence and discipline which is necessary to curb habits like masturbation.

Eat healthy foods. Eat both vegetables and fruits to get more energy to engage in more meaningful activities throughout the day. Healthy foods increase your energy and make you active to participate in various activities such as sports.

Cultivate new hobbies and skills. Learn something new by refocusing your attention on achieving the set goals of the delayed gratification instead of instant gratification of masturbation. Try cultivating skills like baking, cooking, gardening, public speaking or archery.

Be patient and persistent

You need a commitment, persistence, and patience to stop masturbation. Expect to make mistakes on some occasions or relapse. But, maintain your course and remain faithful to the goal. The real struggle is commitment and persistence. Do not let small mistakes stand in the way. Set up a reward system and reward yourself for good behavior like treating yourself to something your love when you last for days without masturbation.

Seek professional help

If you have tried everything and still the addiction is not going away, it might be right to get professional help. You can seek spiritual help as they have structures to help their congregation overcome issues like masturbation. They are also very confidential and will give you a private appointment and offer you good advice and coping mechanism.

A professional counselor has the training, expertise, and tools to help you overcome your addiction. They can provide you with different therapies to help you manage it and eventually overcome masturbation.

Be around people

Try to stay social most of the time to curb loneliness. Join social clubs to help you talk to people. Walk with friends instead of staying alone at home which can drive you to masturbate. With time you will learn to stop masturbation and get into a serious relationship. Try as much as possible to stay in the public environment to interact with many people and potential partners. This increases chances of getting into a meaningful and fulfilling relationship that will provide a better avenue for solving your sexual urges.

Watch meaningful programs

Avoid watching porn, instead watch alternative entertainment avenues like movies, music and television shows to preoccupy your mind to curb thoughts of masturbation. Get rid of all the porn magazines and videos from home. Ensure you do not have any materials that can drive you to masturbate. Put pin-blocking software to cut your access to porn sites on your computer completely.

Music provides sensuality and soothes the mind. The more you listen to music the less you will think of masturbation. Go for a massage to pamper your body and in the process learn how to avoid masturbation.

Acquire a pet

Have a pet at home like a dog or cat to provide company and drive away loneliness. Hang around with your pet, going for runs in the neighborhood, strolls and leisure activities to keep you engaged. Pets have the ability to take over your life very quickly and keep you busy throughout providing fun.

Get rid of all the sex toys

In case you have any sex toys in the home, you need to throw them away as they are a great source of motivation. Without sex toys, you will not be stimulating and be less attempted to engage in sexual behavior with the toys.

Practice yoga

Yoga is relaxing and can draw your attention towards breathing and poses that keep your mind from masturbation. Yoga engages your mind in various activities that have a better reward than masturbation. It curbs feelings of guilt. You will no-longer think of your mistakes but focus on your successes.

Rubber band

Tie a rubber band around the wrist, and every time you feel like masturbating flick it. The pain is a strong stimulus that you will eventually associate with masturbation thereby acting as a deterrent. Any thoughts of masturbation will remind you of the pain and make you cease.

Engage in speed dating

Speed dating is a known avenue for getting potential partners to solve intimacy issues. You meet different potential romantic partners without the pressure standard in traditional dating. It is fun and an effective way of acquiring a new boyfriend or girlfriend. In turn, you do not rely on masturbation.


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